Sunday, 26 February 2012


Why does my brain insist on staying awake all night? For a month now i have not slept properly. I am so tired. Nothing i seem to do makes any difference. I've tried everything i can think of to try and sleep. Hot baths, hot milky drinks, no caffeine, lavender, going to bed at the same time, sleeping tablets, exercise. You name it i've done it. I don't know if it is because i am subconciously worrying about something or if my body has decided it can get by on just a few hours sleep. Which it can't.

This all started when my problem started a month ago so i assume it is related. I've had problems in the past but nothing on this scale. Usually it goes away after a few days because i am so exhausted. This time is different. To be honest i'm getting to the end of my tether with it. Who want's to wake up at 4am after two hours sleep feeling wide awake? It's not normal.

Most nights i lay there in the dark for hours trying to nod off. I've even tried using a hypnotherapy app on my phone with no success. In desperation one night i sunk a bottle of wine. Now as an occaisional drinker i thought that it would surely knock me out. It didn't. I don't advocate using alcohol to solve problems as it creates a whole new issue but when you are desperate you will try anything. One thing is for sure, i won't be trying that again. Feeling exhausted and hungover is not a good feeling.

I don't really know how to solve this minor issue i am currently experiencing. I do know that it is not helping with my state of mind. One night i did get a decent nights sleep and i felt fantastic when i woke up. It made me feel so different to how i normally feel. I just need that every night. Maybe if i could sort this out it would make me more capable of dealing with the other issues in my life. I don't want to add insomniac to my ever increasing list of troubles.

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