Monday, 1 March 2010

Procrastination is a pain in the ass.

Procrastination can be described as putting off or delaying or defering an action to a later time. I seem to do this an awful lot, especially when i have deadlines looming. It is almost as though i get a rush from doing things at the last minute. The amount of times i have had weeks or months to do something but have still left it until the day before. What makes certain people like this? Does it mean i'm lazy?

I have tried writing lists of tasks to do each day or writing lists of tasks in order of urgency. It either works for a day or two or i end up putting things off...again. I have so many things that i need to do at the moment but i just haven't got the motivation to do them. Maybe it is because they are incredibly tedious jobs? The thing is i've learnt in the past that if i keep on top of things they tend to take half the time. Surely this would be a motivating factor to get on with it? Lots of little jobs rather than lots of mammoth jobs.

The saying goes that a leopard can't change it's spots. I seem to be one of those leopards. The ridiculous thing is that i recognise what the problem is and i know how to change it. I just have this inability to actually make the change. I expect there are certain people that would look at this and say that it shows that i do not have the drive and focus to succeed at anything. They would probably be right in some respects. Although when i really want something nothing will stop me from getting it. These 'things' tend to be exciting and different. This points to my inability to cope with the more mundane aspects of my everyday living. If tidying and meeting deadlines was able to ignite the same burning passion then my guess is that procrastination would no longer be my achilles heel. And there we have it, the solution. To beat this hinderance i need to inject something interesting into the monotonous things i have to do. So the task now is to find those interesting things...i'll start tomorrow.

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