Wednesday, 3 March 2010

A minor irritation.

There are days when people just get on my nerves. I'm sure i'm not the only one to suffer from this. Stupid questions, silly comments or just something said in the wrong tone of voice seem to be the final thing to push me over the edge. For whatever reason i have peaks and troughs of being generally intolerant of people and more specifically idiots. It happened to me today in fact. The one rule for one and another for everyone else really pissed me off. Normally these silly things would just be batted away with maybe a slight note of irritation registered. Other days i seem to turn into Satan himself. It can be troublesome having such a firey temper, like having to sheepishly face the person you have blown up at because you need their help for example. Sometimes i do wonder if i should see someone about my mood swings which sway dramatically from one extreme to the other. Then i think sod it this is just who i am and if people don't like it then it's their problem. I did used to have a real problem venting my anger and frustration at the appropriate times. These days i seem to have a hold on it although i do have the occasional slip up. Like today but why the hell not? I'm not perfect, i'm human.

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